If you want to know who actually controls Pearl Global Industries Limited (NSE:PGIL), you will need to look at the composition of its share register. Institutions often own shares in more established companies, while it is not uncommon to see insiders owning a good number of smaller companies. I generally like to see some degree of insider ownership, even if only a little. As Nassim Nicholas Taleb said, “Don’t tell me what you think, tell me what you have in your wallet”.
With a market capitalization of ₹9.1 billion, Pearl Global Industries is a small cap stock, so it may not be well known to many institutional investors. Our analysis of company ownership, below, shows that the institutions are visible on the share register. We can zoom in on the different ownership groups, to learn more about Pearl Global Industries.
Check out our latest analysis for Pearl Global Industries
What does institutional ownership tell us about Pearl Global Industries?
Institutional investors typically compare their own returns to the returns of a commonly tracked index. They therefore generally consider buying larger companies that are included in the relevant benchmark.
Pearl Global Industries already has institutions on the stock register. Indeed, they hold a respectable stake in the company. This implies that analysts working for these institutions have reviewed the stock and like it. But like everyone else, they can be wrong. If multiple institutions change their minds on a stock at the same time, you could see the stock price drop quickly. It is therefore worth checking out the earnings history of Pearl Global Industries below. Of course, the future is what really matters.
We note that hedge funds have no significant investment in Pearl Global Industries. Our data shows that Pulkit Seth is the largest shareholder with 32% of shares outstanding. With respectively 20% and 13% of the outstanding shares, Payel Seth and Deepak Seth are the second and third shareholders. Deepak Seth, who is the third shareholder, also holds the title of Chairman of the Board.
To make our study more interesting, we found that the top 2 shareholders hold a majority stake in the company, which means they are powerful enough to influence company decisions.
While studying the institutional ownership of a company can add value to your research, it is also recommended that you research analyst recommendations to better understand a stock’s expected performance. We don’t see any analyst coverage of the stock at this time, so the company is unlikely to be widely held.
Insider owned by Pearl Global Industries
While the precise definition of an insider can be subjective, almost everyone considers board members to be insiders. The management of the company runs the company, but the CEO will answer to the board of directors, even if he is a member of it.
I generally consider insider ownership to be a good thing. However, there are times when it is more difficult for other shareholders to hold the board accountable for decisions.
Our most recent data indicates that insiders own the majority of Pearl Global Industries Limited. This means they can collectively make decisions for the business. Given that it has a market capitalization of ₹9.1 billion, that means they have ₹7.1 billion in shares. Most would be delighted to see the board investing alongside them. You might want to find out (free) whether they bought or sold.
General public property
The general public, who are usually individual investors, hold a 14% stake in Pearl Global Industries. This size of ownership, although considerable, may not be sufficient to change company policy if the decision is not in line with other major shareholders.
Next steps:
I find it very interesting to see who exactly owns a business. But to really get insight, we also need to consider other information. For example, we found 3 warning signs for Pearl Global Industries (2 cannot be ignored!) that you should be aware of before investing here.
Sure this may not be the best stock to buy. Therefore, you may want to see our free set of interesting prospects benefiting from a favorable financial situation.
NB: The figures in this article are calculated using trailing twelve month data, which refers to the 12 month period ending on the last day of the month in which the financial statements are dated. This may not be consistent with the annual report figures for the full year.
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This Simply Wall St article is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell stocks and does not take into account your objectives or financial situation. Our goal is to bring you targeted long-term analysis based on fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not take into account the latest announcements from price-sensitive companies or qualitative materials. Simply Wall St has no position in the stocks mentioned.